Peer review/responsibility for the reviewers
Peer reviewing process: Manuscripts enter the review process anonymously. The peer review process includes at least two component reviewers. The process is double blinded and names of authors and reviewers remain confidential. After getting the comments, the editorial board decides for acceptance, minor revision, major revision or rejection. Major revision requires peer review again after the revised manuscript was submitted. The review process may last between four to six weeks.
Acceptance of an article will be announced to the corresponding author after conducting all the changes required by the journal and final confirmation of the corresponding author. Evidently, the articles will be scheduled for publication. Once a manuscript is accepted, any changes in the authorship including addition, deletion or changes in the authorship will not be possible. Throughout these steps, authors can be informed of their article's status through the journal's website. Invited manuscripts, letters and commentaries are directly reviewed by Editor-in-chief.
The submitted manuscripts that fit the scopes and the format of journal will be reviewed and enter the publication process after the editor-in-chiefs final approval.
Here is the flowchart: